Blaby District Council published its updated Residential Land Availability Report 2022-2023 in September 2023. The report shows that as of March 2023 the Council could demonstrate a housing land supply of just 3.69 years equating to a shortfall of 548 dwellings over the five year period.

The Council is therefore currently unable to demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply. In such circumstances, Paragraph 11d of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023 (NPPF) dictates that planning permission should be granted unless any adverse impact of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits when assessed against the polices in the Framework when taken as a whole.

Development of the site would be associated with significant benefits, including the provision of much needed market and affordable housing, as well as a sympathetic landscape scheme which will visually assimilate new development into the surrounding landscape. The technical evidence assembled demonstrates that the impacts of the proposed development can be suitably mitigated and addressed in line with local and national planning policies. In addition, Countesthorpe is a sustainable location for new development offering a variety of services, facilities and infrastructure within walking and cycling distance of the site.

As such, we consider that the proposals offer a wide range of benefits to the local community, alongside addressing the shortfall in housing, and that planning permission should be granted.

Development Framework Plan

Public Consultation Leaflet